133 research outputs found

    Rapport sur les réseaux grands débits et l\u27entrée dans la société de l\u27information

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    Rapport de l\u27 Office parlementaire d\u27évaluation des choix scientifiques et technologiques sur la situation des nouvelles technologies de l\u27information et de la communication en France et sur les stratégies politiques à développer pour l\u27entrée dans la société de l\u27information

    Inventaires de bibliothèques normandes : l’intérêt des listes tardives

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    Les archives de la bibliothèque de Jean-Baptiste Colbert permettent de reconstituer une bonne partie des collections des abbayes cisterciennes normandes et d’identifier 350 manuscrits qu’Étienne Baluze a acquis pour le ministre entre 1677 et 1683. Aujourd’hui conservés à la Bibliothèque nationale de France, ces volumes proviennent de Mortemer, Savigny, La Noë, Foucarmont et Bonport. Ils forment un ensemble cohérent, datable surtout du IXe au XIVe siècle, qui mériterait une étude textuelle et codicologique approfondie.The archives of the library of Jean-Baptiste Colbert permit us to reconstruct a large part of the collections of the Norman cistercian abbeys and identify 350 manuscripts that Etienne Baluze purchased for the Minister between 1677 and 1683. Now preserved in the National Library of France, these volumes come from the Abbeys of Mortemer, Savigny, La Noë, Foucarmont and Bonport. They form a coherent group, dating mainly from the ninth to the fourteenth century, which deserves a thorough textual and codicological study


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    Mycotoxins are well known for underging liver biotransformation in humans and animal species. Metabolites correspond to either oxydative derivatives such as hydroxymetabolites of aflatoxin B1 or ochratoxin A or hydrolytic derivatives in case of trichothecenes. In some cases, highly reactive epoxides represent the first step in the formation of carcinogenic intermediates like exo-epoxides of aflatoxins. Hepatic phase II enzymes including transferases and hydrolases are involved in the conjugation of such oxidative metabolites. In this respect, they are generally considered as detoxifying enzymes: glucuronidation of deacetylated trichothecenes or hydroxy-aflatoxins, or glutathione conjugation of epoxides. The major metabolism of zearalenone consists of reduction leading to estrogenic zearalenols which is characterized by large interspecies differences. Concerning fumonisin B1, this toxin would be poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and metabolised into hydrolytic products with lower toxic effect as apoptotic compounds. Interactions between mycotoxins and liver drug metabolizing are crucial in terms of detoxication or bioactivation of these toxins in the organism of the human or animal consumers. Most of these interactions are consequences of the metabolic processes occurring in the liver. They result generally from the activity of cytochromes P450 and transferases. In relation to their hepatotoxicity, several studies demonstrate the inhibitory effects of mycotoxins on certain hepatic biotransformation enzymes, as recently demonstrated in pigs exposed to low doses of aflatoxin B1 or T-2 toxin. In other cases, specific cytochromes P450 or glutathione transferases are significantly increased in terms of both activity and protein expression, namely by aflatoxins, deoxynivalenol or fumonisins. Such results have been obtained in rodents and in farm animals like pigs, rabbits or poultry. The data strengthen the hypothesis that the normal metabolism of endobiotes or xenobiotics by the liver could be altered during chronic exposure to mycotoxins, particularly in farm animals or in humans exposed to aflatoxin B1, ochratoxin A, T-2 toxin, deoxynivalenol or fumonisin B1.Ulaskom u organizam ljudi i životinja mnogi mikotoksini podliježu biotransformaciji u jetri. Njihovi su metaboliti najčešće oksidativni derivati (hidroksimetaboliti aflatoksina B1 i okratoksina A) ili hidrolitički derivati trihotecena. U nekim slučajevima visoko reaktivni epoksidi su prvi korak u stvaranju karcinogenih intermedijera kao što su ekso-epoksidi aflatoksina. Hepatički enzimi II faze (transferaze i hidrolaze) sudjeluju u konjugaciji tih oksidativnih metabolita tj. njihovoj detoksifikaciji: glukoronidaciji deacetiliranih trihotecena i hidroksi-aflatoksina ili konjugaciji epoksida s glutationom. Zearalenon se reducira u više različitih estrogenih zearalenola, što ovisi o vrsti organizma koji ga metabolizira. Fumonizin B1 se slabo apsorbira iz probavnog sustava te se metabolizira u hidrolitičke produkte koji su manje toksični. Interakcije mikotoksina i hepatičkog metabolizma ključni su koraci u njihovoj detoksifikaciji ili bioaktivaciji u organizmu ljudi i životinja. Večina tih interakcija posljedica su upravo metaboličkog procesa u jetri, posebice aktivnosti citokroma P450 i transferaza. Nedavno je dokazan inhibitorni učinak aflatoksina B1 i trihotecena na određene hepatičke biotransformacijske enzime u svinja. S druge strane, aktivnost i ekspresija proteina specifičnih citokroma P450 i glutation transferaze značajno su povećani nakon djelovanja aflatoksina, deoksinivalenola i fumonizina, što je zabilježeno u glodavaca te domaćih životinja (svinje, kunići i perad). Ova istraživanja pokazuju da normalni hepatički metabolizam endobiotika i ksenobiotika može biti narušen tijekom kroničnog unosa mikotoksina, posebice u domaćih životinja i ljudi izloženih aflatoksinu B1, okratoksinu A, T-2 toksinu, deoksinivalenolu i fumonizinu B1

    Final Research Report on Auto-Tagging of Music

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    The deliverable D4.7 concerns the work achieved by IRCAM until M36 for the “auto-tagging of music”. The deliverable is a research report. The software libraries resulting from the research have been integrated into Fincons/HearDis! Music Library Manager or are used by TU Berlin. The final software libraries are described in D4.5. The research work on auto-tagging has concentrated on four aspects: 1) Further improving IRCAM’s machine-learning system ircamclass. This has been done by developing the new MASSS audio features, including audio augmentation and audio segmentation into ircamclass. The system has then been applied to train HearDis! “soft” features (Vocals-1, Vocals-2, Pop-Appeal, Intensity, Instrumentation, Timbre, Genre, Style). This is described in Part 3. 2) Developing two sets of “hard” features (i.e. related to musical or musicological concepts) as specified by HearDis! (for integration into Fincons/HearDis! Music Library Manager) and TU Berlin (as input for the prediction model of the GMBI attributes). Such features are either derived from previously estimated higher-level concepts (such as structure, key or succession of chords) or by developing new signal processing algorithm (such as HPSS) or main melody estimation. This is described in Part 4. 3) Developing audio features to characterize the audio quality of a music track. The goal is to describe the quality of the audio independently of its apparent encoding. This is then used to estimate audio degradation or music decade. This is to be used to ensure that playlists contain tracks with similar audio quality. This is described in Part 5. 4) Developing innovative algorithms to extract specific audio features to improve music mixes. So far, innovative techniques (based on various Blind Audio Source Separation algorithms and Convolutional Neural Network) have been developed for singing voice separation, singing voice segmentation, music structure boundaries estimation, and DJ cue-region estimation. This is described in Part 6.EC/H2020/688122/EU/Artist-to-Business-to-Business-to-Consumer Audio Branding System/ABC D

    Immunity Traits in Pigs: Substantial Genetic Variation and Limited Covariation

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    BACKGROUND: Increasing robustness via improvement of resistance to pathogens is a major selection objective in livestock breeding. As resistance traits are difficult or impossible to measure directly, potential indirect criteria are measures of immune traits (ITs). Our underlying hypothesis is that levels of ITs with no focus on specific pathogens define an individual's immunocompetence and thus predict response to pathogens in general. Since variation in ITs depends on genetic, environmental and probably epigenetic factors, our aim was to estimate the relative importance of genetics. In this report, we present a large genetic survey of innate and adaptive ITs in pig families bred in the same environment. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Fifty four ITs were studied on 443 Large White pigs vaccinated against Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and analyzed by combining a principal component analysis (PCA) and genetic parameter estimation. ITs include specific and non specific antibodies, seric inflammatory proteins, cell subsets by hemogram and flow cytometry, ex vivo production of cytokines (IFNα, TNFα, IL6, IL8, IL12, IFNγ, IL2, IL4, IL10), phagocytosis and lymphocyte proliferation. While six ITs had heritabilities that were weak or not significantly different from zero, 18 and 30 ITs had moderate (0.1<h2≤0.4) or high (h2>0.4) heritability values, respectively. Phenotypic and genetic correlations between ITs were weak except for a few traits that mostly include cell subsets. PCA revealed no cluster of innate or adaptive ITs. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results demonstrate that variation in many innate and adaptive ITs is genetically controlled in swine, as already reported for a smaller number of traits by other laboratories. A limited redundancy of the traits was also observed confirming the high degree of complementarity between innate and adaptive ITs. Our data provide a genetic framework for choosing ITs to be included as selection criteria in multitrait selection programmes that aim to improve both production and health traits

    Mesure précise de la biréfringence d'une section de minéral dans une lame mince. Application à la détermination rapide des feldspaths calcosodiques

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    La biréfringence d'une section de minéral peut facilement être déterminée de façon très précise. II suffît d'avoir à sa disposition : 1° un compensateur ; 2° un appareillage permettant l'examen en lumière convergente. La mesure de l'angle d'extinction et de la biréfringence d'une seule section de la zone perpendiculaire à (010) d'une feldspath calcosodique permet de connaître sa composition. La détermination se fait à l'aide d'un abaque, disponible au B. R. G. G., 69, rue de la Victoire, Paris, 9e.Laffitte Pierre. Mesure précise de la biréfringence d'une section de minéral dans une lame mince. Application à la détermination rapide des feldspaths calcosodiques. In: Bulletin de la Société française de Minéralogie et de Cristallographie, volume 74, 7-12, 1951. pp. 495-505

    Allocution inaugurale de M. P. Laffitte, Fondateur et Président de Sophia-Antipolis, Sénateur des Alpes Maritimes

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    Laffitte Pierre. Allocution inaugurale de M. P. Laffitte, Fondateur et Président de Sophia-Antipolis, Sénateur des Alpes Maritimes. In: Les eaux souterraines et la gestion des eaux. Progrès - Qualité - Quantité. Vingt et unièmes journées de l'hydraulique. Sophia-Antipolis, 29-31 janvier1991. Tome 5, 1991

    Les bases physicochimiques de l'analyse des paragénèses minérales, par D. S. Korjinskii, 1957

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    Laffitte Pierre. Les bases physicochimiques de l'analyse des paragénèses minérales, par D. S. Korjinskii, 1957. In: Bulletin de la Société française de Minéralogie et de Cristallographie, volume 80, 10-12, 1957. pp. 557-558

    Petrographic Modal Analysis, par F. Chayes, 1956

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    Laffitte Pierre. Petrographic Modal Analysis, par F. Chayes, 1956. In: Bulletin de la Société française de Minéralogie et de Cristallographie, volume 80, 4-6, 1957. pp. 258-260
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